Our Partners

- 透過 DigitalOcean,您可以存取易於管理的雲端解決方案和服務。您只需按實際使用量付費,無需預付費用或長期承諾,這使得 DigitalOcean 成為向客戶和客戶交付應用程式的最具成本效益的方式之一。
- With DigitalOcean, you can access easily manageable cloud solutions and services. You pay only for what you use, with no upfront expenses or long-term commitments, making DigitalOcean one of the most cost-effective ways to deliver your application to customers and clients.
- Tawk.to 是一款領先的即時聊天軟件,幫助企業與客戶進行實時溝通,增強顧客互動和支持。它提供多種功能,包括可自定義的聊天窗口、無限制的客服人員、工單管理和知識庫,幫助簡化客戶互動。Tawk.to 全部功能免費且完整支援繁體中文,提供手機app方便與您的客戶即時溝通,後台提供多個數據分析可以讓您方便管理客戶。
- Tawk.to is a leading live chat software that enables businesses to communicate with their customers in real time, enhancing customer engagement and support. It offers a range of features including customizable chat widgets, unlimited agents, ticket management, and a knowledge base to help streamline customer interactions. Tawk.to offers a comprehensive set of features completely free, with full support for Traditional Chinese. It provides a mobile app that facilitates real-time communication with your customers, allowing you to engage with them conveniently. The backend includes multiple data analytics tools, enabling you to manage customer interactions effectively.